
Episode 17: Money moves to start 2021

Adrien Salomon Episode 17

2021 is here! I am sure many of you are excited to leave 2020 behind and look ahead of a new year and new opportunities. With that I want to caution you not to make some huge prediction, or resolution for the year such as, this year I am gonna lose 20 pounds! Though that may be a year end goal,  you get all excited when you starts and then by February you lose focus. You tell yourself: "I have plenty of time." But do you have plenty of time? The longer you wait to start, the more difficult it will be to get started.

Just like setting new weight goal for 2021, new money goals can be as daunting. I remember the first time I said, i am going to save $2500 in a year, when the most I had ever saved was 300 bucks. it took me a few tries but eventually I got there by setting smaller short term goals to get me to build a habit. $20 a week for 8 weeks and then you change it to $50 and so on and so on.

So for today, let's look at some money moves we can make early to give us good habits for the rest of the year.

If you ever wanted to ask any questions, please email me at adriensalomon21@gmail.com or visit the @dontbebrokebewoke Facebook/Instagram pages.

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