
Episode 23: Roth IRA or Bust

Adrien Salomon

Two years into my investing career, I looked at my portfolio one day and said:" how do I set up my accounts to pay less taxes in retirement?" So I started googling and Youtubing ( if that is even a word) ways to pay less taxes when I retire, and two words kept coming up over and over: ROTH IRA.

Finding out about this account was a game changer for me and the way I looked at my portfolio from that day forward. I could not believe that there was an account out there that allowed you to contribute money into, then invest it and you can withdraw your money ( contributions and gains) later in life tax free. WHOA!

Let's talk about the Roth IRA today!

If you ever wanted to ask any questions, please email me at adriensalomon@dontbebrokebewoke.com or visit the @dontbebrokebewoke instagram page for daily content.

Click on the link below for step-by-step guide for new investors and many more

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